Friday, 23 October
13:30–14:00 | Registration
14:00–15:30 | Panel 1: History and Spaces
- ‘The modernization of Paris through the development of London, the perspective of Haussmann’, Tri Tran (University of Tours)
- ‘Science in Translation: The Reception of Natural History in the Late XIXth Century’, Véronique Lyons Charriere (University of Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris)
- ‘Paris-Londres (1870–71), entre séparation obsidionale et conscience commune’, Edouard Galby-Marinetti (Paul-Valéry University, Montpellier III)
15:30–16:00 | Coffee Break
16:00–17:30 | Panel 2: Art Out of Its Frame
- ‘“Fancy liquors and sky-high kickers”: The Invention of Gay Paree, 1867–1914’, Jonathan Colin (University of Southampton)
- ‘Cloudy Skies: Photography over Paris and London in 1862’, Anna-Louise Milne (University of London Institute, Paris)
- ‘Paris-Londres, des “monster citi[es]”: le music-hall, ce “mardi gras de l’esprit” fin-de-siècle?’, Anastasia Scepi (University of Paris-Sorbonne)
18:00–19:00 | Keynote Speakers: Diana Cooper-Richet, Michel Rapoport
19:00–20:00 | Drinks
20:00–22:30 | Dinner
Saturday, 24 October
09:00–10:30 | Panel 3: Pictorial Art
- ‘British Art through French Eyes: Paul Bourget’s “Lettres de Londres” and the Aesthetics of Transnational Encounter’, Juliet Simpson (Coventry University/Wolfson College, Oxford),
- ‘L’angoisse de l’influence: la peinture anglaise et française dans la seconde moitié du XIXème siècle’, Anne-Estelle Leguy (University of Paris-Sorbonne)
- ‘Devilish Designs: Debating the Use of Arsenical Pigments in Wallpapers in Paris and London, 1851–1900’, Amélie Müller (Oxford University)
10:30–11:00 | Coffee Break
09:00–13:30 | Panel 4: Literature
- ‘Les bas-fonds de Paris et Londres dans les années 1880 : études de Bel-Ami et de The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde’, Dimitri Roboly (University of Athens)
- ‘La Commune de Londres dans le Rimbaud des Illuminations’, Rafika Hammoudi (University of Rennes 2)
- ‘“Haunted colours, haunting words”: Jean Lorrain’s La Princesse des chemins and the influence of Edward Burne-Jones’, Alexandre Burin (King’s College London)
13:30–14:30 | Lunch
14:30–16:00 | Panel 5: Translation
- ‘Translation Transformations of Space in Wilde’s “Louis Napoleon” and Verhaeren’s “Londres”’, Daniel Finch-Race (Trinity College, Cambridge)
- ‘“Ta voix m’enivre/Thy voice is music to my ear”: The in-between space of Oscar Wilde’s bilingual Salomé from Paris to London’, Elodie Degroisse (University of Paris-Sorbonne)
16:00–17:00 | Keynote Speaker: Patrick McGuinness
17:30 | Drinks