Translation, Criticism and Creativity

Convenor(s): Prof Adriana X. Jacobs, Prof Patrick McGuinness, Erin Nickalls, Prof Matthew Reynolds, Ola Sidorkiewicz

In the Translation, Criticism and Creativity strand, we aim to open up fresh possibilities for our understanding of translation, including the multiple forms it can take, such as commentary, ekphrasis, and adaptation. We explore the varied processes and practices of translation, from the more technical to the more creative, as well as the translational activity that occurs when critics bring their writing into contact with source texts, redirecting them to new purposes.

Translation, Criticism and Creativity has been running since OCCT’s inception in 2013 (previously under the title ‘Translation and Criticism’). Our events take many forms: Discussion Group sessions, readings, seminars, workshops, and events at Oxford Translation Day. In 2015, the ‘Prismatic Translation’ conference spawned the substantial collaboration of the same name. In 2017, the ‘Poetic Currency’ symposium led to an eponymous special issue of Dibur literary journal, edited by Adriana X. Jacobs and Anat Weisman. In 2019, we collaborated in the CHCI-Mellon Global Humanities Institute on The Challenges of Translation.