Reading Poetry in Translation

Join us for a celebration of poetry in translation marking the recent publication of MSt CLCT student Alejandra Quintana Arocho’s translation of Ojo en celo/Eye in Heat by Margarita Pintado Burgos (University of Arizona Press, 2024). This event will feature readings by Quintana Arocho, Jennifer Wong (Stanford House/Oxford Brookes), Georgie Fooks (Oxford), and Adriana X. Jacobs (Oxford).

Alejandra Quintana Arocho is pursuing a MSt in Comparative Literature and Critical Translation at Oxford, funded by the Lincoln College Kingsgate Master's Award and the Clarendon Fund. As a literary translator from the Spanish, they received the 2023 Ambroggio Prize given by the Academy of American Poets for their translation of Margarita Pintado Burgos's Ojo en celo/Eye in Heat (University of Arizona Press, 2024).

Jennifer Wong was born and raised in Hong Kong. She studied English at University College, Oxford and earned a creative writing PhD from Oxford Brookes University where she currently teaches part-time. Wong is the author of three poetry collections including 回家 Letters Home (Nine Arches Press, 2020). She was a visiting fellow at Oxford TORCH in 2022. She is the author of Identity, Home and Writing Elsewhere in Contemporary Chinese Diaspora Poetry (Bloomsbury, 2023). Her pamphlet, time difference, is forthcoming from Verve Poetry Press in 2024. She is working on her next collection. 

Georgie Fooks is a current DPhil student in Spanish at Oxford, funded by the AHRC, the Clarendon Fund and the Trinity Christie Miller Scholarship. Her research examines the translational poetics of two twentieth-century Argentine poets, moving between languages and images to create expanded networks of expression. As a writer and translator from Spanish, her work has been published in AsymptoteHopscotch Translation, and The Oxonian Review

Adriana X. Jacobs is an Associate Professor of Hebrew literature at the University of Oxford. Her full-length translations of Hebrew poetry include Vaan Nguyen’s The Truffle Eye (Zephyr Press), winner of the 2022 Harold Morton Landon Translation Award, and Merav Givoni Hrushovski’s End— (Carrion Bloom Books, 2023). She is the author of Strange Cocktail: Translation and the Making of Modern Hebrew Poetry (University of Michigan Press, 2018).