What Have We Done/What Might We Do Next: The OCCT 10th Anniversary Workshop

Join us to celebrate the OCCT's first decade of innovation in comparative criticism and translation research, and to look ahead.

Since its foundation in 2013, the Oxford Comparative Criticism and Translation (OCCT) Research Centre has gained a distinctive international reputation, and spawned influential collaborative publications, including Comparative Criticism: Histories and Methods (2015), Minding Borders: Resilient Divisions in Literature, the Body and the Academy (2017), Poetic Currency (2018) and Prismatic Translation (2020). It has also established itself within Oxford as a uniquely welcoming and stimulating environment for doctoral students and researchers working across languages and cultures (including the languages and cultures of academic disciplines). We run discussion groups, seminars, workshops, conferences; we collaborate with several other institutions within and beyond the United Kingdom; we publish the postgraduate-led journal OCCT Review; we have an associated book series, Transcript; and we run the annual Oxford Translation Day. Many different issues and approaches have been embraced by our activities, from cognitive science to transitional justice, from metaphor to collage. What runs through all this work is the recognition that language difference is fundamental to literature, and translation a process central to the humanities.

But what next? We come together to think over the key ideas and practices that have been sparked by the Oxford Comparative Criticism and Translation (OCCT) Research Centre so far, and to envision possible futures for our work.


Workshop Programme

4.00–5.15 | What Have We Done? 

5.15–5.45 | Coffee/Tea Break

5.45–7.00 | What Might We Do Next? 

7.00 | Drinks Reception